Saturday, August 21, 2010

Let's catch your dream....upgrade all the time

For me, learning and studying are hobbies that will last forever, never ending enjoyable activities......well, it's quite silly actually because some of my friends will make a comment like: "when you work...or you always study...". And I just smile on them.

Let me count, after I finished my highschool, I continued my study at State College of Accountancy (STAN) after took one year break(hehehe no uni accepted me). On the second grade, I got my status as government employee so since 1995 I was already civil servant. Graduated on 1996, I worked 2 years before I took my extention program at FEUI Depok, at the same time I applied Diploma IV at STAN so in 1991 to 2001 I went for FEUI Extention Program and Diploma IV to get my Bachelor Degree. Finished all the courses (hehehehe I cannot imagine that I passed all the courses both), I worked again for 5 years before someone slapt on my face to remain me that I should continue my degree (Lebay mode). So since 2004 I started to apply my master program. Two unies from two countries rejected me and my third application brought me to Oz from 2007 to 2008. So, in total of 15 years work exeperience (1995-2010), I spent 40% on study....we called it as formal study.

In my 60 % years of work, off course I had time to do internal course from my office, one day training, two days workshop, seminars, consenyering, internalisation, short named it and I can say that I am through all that kinds of stuffs (xixixixixi...). I called of that kinds of course as a upgrade time.

And talking about upgrading, this status always connected to me. My last short course was in South Korea from June 24 to July 9, 2010. Yes, you can say that I am lucky but actually it is not easy like that. There are so many preparation to do before I got a change to do the course. My basic tips to everyone is to have passion of study so you will aware and always prepare to take any change that available.

Last month when I got promotion, I thought it was my ending time of joining courses.....but I was wrong......For one month work, I already took three kinds of workshops.....pfuihhhh...I think I am overwhelm with courses...(Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....xixixixixixixi).

So, for all my friends......Let's cacth your dream by upgrading all the time.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A thought in the early morning

Well, actually nothing serious that I want to share with you in my writing this time. Last time I posted at this blog on March when I didn't do anything but now already August 2010, so many happens in the last five months.

The current change was I got my promotion...I am Head of Section now (yeeeyyyy), although only Head of Section in General Affairs but I am grateful with that. At the end of June and at the beginning of July, I got a change to visit South Korea (another dream comes true...) after my OECD course was cancelled. Another things, I bought Ipod Touch that I still didn't touch until now because disinformation about this product ( almost 2 weeks...... it looks like Apple forces their customers to be more diligent to read).

Since Wednesday August 11, Moslem are fasting....and now is the 5th day of Ramadhan. Hope I can through this month without any obstacles. Ramadhan brought back my memories to do fasting in Australia in 2008........brrrr....I don't want through that situation again when I was alone and feel so empty.....

Temptation of continuing education came to tease me when my friends asked me to help them to register their application......but regulation in my office forbides me to do that until next year and my doubt maybe contributes to apply my doctoral program.....(xixixixi I wonder do I have enough courage and confidence to apply Phd??)

Next October 2nd, STAN will conduct big reunion. We planned to attend it with our community

November 10 t0 15, I will be abroad if Ministry of Finance allows and agrees, I am scheduled to visit Budapest, Hungary.....Can't wait to get new experiences...but again..don't expect too much...